报告题目:An Environmentally Friendly Approach to Long Term Biofouling Control
报告人:Qilin Li
时间:2016.06.28 上午09:30
内容简介:Biological fouling caused by bacterial biofilms leads to serious consequences in a variety of engineered systems, including water and wastewater treatment systems. Current practices utilizing disinfectants or biocides are ineffective in preventing biofouling and can form harmful disinfection byproducts or induce antibiotic resistance. D-amino acids are produced by a number of bacteria. They are non-toxic, yet can inhibit formation as well as trigger disassembly of biofilms. Our recent work investigated the genetic level mechanisms through which D-tyrosine affects bacterial biofilm formation, and explored the use of D-tyrosine in a regenerablenanocomposite coating for long term biofouling control in nanofiltration membrane systems. D-tyrosine was found to regulate biofilm formation of both G+ and G- bacteria at trace concentrations through multiple mechanisms. The slow release of D-tyrosine strongly inhibited biofouling of NF membranes over extended periods of time and the antibiofouling activity could be easily regenerated. These results demonstrate that D-tyrosine loaded nanocomposite coating is a promising approach for long-term biofouling control.
报告人简介:Qilin Li教授

Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering October, 2002
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois
MS in Environmental Engineering August, 1999
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois
BE in Environmental Engineering July, 1995
Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China
Research Summary
Dr. Li’s research interests include advanced technologies for water and wastewater treatment, membrane processes, colloidal processes and interface phenomena in aqueous environments, environmental applications and implications of nanotechnology.
Brief Bio
Dr. Qilin Li teaches courses and conducts research on physical and chemical processes that impact water quality in natural aqueous environment as well as water/wastewater treatment systems. Dr. Li’s current research focuses on the behaviors of environmental colloids and macromolecules at aqueous-solid interfaces and the subsequent impact on their fate and transport in natural and engineered systems. Ongoing research projects investigate fouling of membrane materials during surface water filtration, seawater desalination and wastewater reuse, nanotechnology enabled drinking water disinfection and surface microbial control, the environmental fate, transport and ecotoxicity of engineered nanomaterials, and sustainable water infrastructure. Dr. Li’s research group is devoted to finding a solution to sustainable water supply. Dr. Li has published over 70 high impact SCI papers.