
美国工程院院士、中国工程院外籍院士John Crittenden教授学术讲座通知

来源:雷火竞技官方网站 | 发布时间:2016/07/18 19:22:56 | 点击:

报告题目:Gigatechnology: Developing Sustainable Urban Infrastructure to Solve Gigaton Problems

报告人:John. C. Crittenden(美国工程院院士、中国工程院外籍院士John Crittenden教授)

School of Civil and Environmental EngineeringGeorgia Institute of Technology


Member of the US and Chinese National Academies of Engineering

Director of the Brook Byers Institute of Sustainable Systems

Hightower Chair of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar of Sustainable Systems


时间:2016.07.26 上午09:30



内容简介Gigaton problems refer to those most severe problems challenging humanity, which can often be measured at the “gigaton (billion tons)” scale. For example, the annual world energy consumption is around 12 billion tons of oil equivalent (Gtoe), 80% of that from nonrenewable fossil fuels. The combustion of these fossil fuels emits approximately 29 billion tons (Gton) of CO2. In addition, the world uses more than 79 Gton of materials each year, only about 29% of which are renewable. These gigaton problems call for solutions which can meet the gigaton scale, or gigaton solutions.

In response to the urgent need of solving the gigaton problems, the urban system plays a critical role as the primary sink of resources and source of wastes. In particular, urban centers are complex, adaptive systems that act like ecosystems: They process resources (water, energy, and materials) and information, create infrastructure and services, and produce wastes. Worldwide, urban centers dominate resource consumption as well as waste and pollution generation. By examining the complex interactions among social decision making, economic drivers, (re)development, sustainability metrics, and surface transportation, a simulation-based decision support tool and strategies are being developed to allow stakeholders to design and choose infrastructure solutions that consume fewer resources and generate less waste. Case studies are presented for Atlanta, GA as an example to illustrate the ability of this tool to support the decision-making in constructing more sustainable cities.


美国工程院院士;中国工程院外籍院士;美国现代化工领域最杰出100人;布鲁克•拜尔斯可持续发展系统研究所所长;Hightower首席与可持续发展系统GRA杰出学者;ES & T 杂志副主编;美国物理化学领域最权威的学者。


