1.Ziyuan Xia, Shipeng Wang, Yao Chen,Min Gou*, Zhaoyong Sun, Songtao Wang, Suyi Zhang, Yueqin Tang. Comparison of the microbial communities in pits with different sealing methods for Chinese strong-flavor liquor production. LWT- food science and technology, 2023, 173(1):114248
2.ZhaoGan Zhen, JunXiao Luo, Yang Su, ZiYuan Xia, Tong An, ZhaoYong Sun,Min Gou*,YueQin Tang. Different responses of mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge to PVC microplastics. Environmental Scienceand Pollution Research, 2023
3.FangFang Zhu, YanFeng Wei, FangZhou Wang, ZiYuan Xia,Min Gou*,YueQin Tang. Enrichment of microbial consortia for MEOR in crude oil phase of reservoir‑produced liquid and their response to environmental disturbance. International Microbiology, 2023.
4.MaoTing Li, Ling Rao, Lu Wang,Min Gou*, ZhaoYong Sun, ZiYuan Xia, WenFeng Song, YueQin Tang. Bioaugmentation with syntrophic volatile fatty acids-oxidizing consortia to alleviate the ammonia inhibition in continuously anaerobic digestion of municipal sludge. Chemosphere, 2022, 288: 132389
5.ZongLin Wu, Quan Zhang, ZiYuan Xia,Min Gou*, ZhaoYong Sun, YueQin Tang. The responses of mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion of municipal sludge to periodic fluctuation disturbance of organic loading rate. Environmental Research. 2022.
6.Yue Yi, HuiZhong Wang, YaTing Chen,Min Gou*,ZiYuan Xia, Bin Hu, Yong Nie, YueQin Tang. Identification of novel butyrate- and acetate-oxidizing bacteria in butyrate-fed mesophilic anaerobic chemostats byDNA-based stable isotope probing. Microbial Ecology, 2020, 79: 285-298
7.CaiYun Xie, BaiXue Yang, QingRan Song, ZiYuan Xia,Min Gou*,YueQin Tang*. Different transcriptional responses of haploid and diploid S. cerevisiae strains to changes in cofactor preference of XR. Microbial Cell Factories, 2020, 19: 211
8.BaiXue Yang, CaiYun Xie, ZiYuan Xia,Min Gou*, YaJing Wu, YueQin Tang*. Improving xylitol yield by deletion of endogenous xylitol-assimilating genes: a study of industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae in fermentation of glucose and xylose. FEMS Yeast Research, 2020, 20: foaa061
9.Min Gou, HuiZhong Wang, Jie Li, ZhaoYong Sun, Yong Nie, Masaru Konishi Nobu, YueQin Tang*. Different inhibitory mechanisms of chlortetracycline and enrofloxacin on mesophilic anaerobic degradation of propionate. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2020, 27: 1406-1416
10.Jie Li, Ya-Ting Chen, Zi-Yuan Xia,Min Gou*, Zhao-Yong Sun, Yue-Qin Tang. Changes in bacterial communities during a pilot-scale composting process of dairy manure. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2020.
11.Yan Zeng, ZhaoYong Sun, YaTing Chen, ZiYuan Xia,Min Gou*, YueQin Tang. Different performances and bacterial communities in conventional activated sludge and membrane bioreactor systems fed with low C/N ratio wastewater for nitrogen removal. Environmental Engineering Science, 2019, 36(9): 1112-1126.
12.Min Gou, HangWei Hu, YuJing Zhang, JunTao Wang, Helen Hayden, YueQin Tang, JiZheng He. Aerobic composting reduces antibiotic resistance genes in cattle manure and the resistome dissemination in agricultural soils. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 612(15): 1300-1310.
13.JinYan Yang, Mei Wang, YanBo Jia,Min Gou*. Toxicity of vanadium in soil on soybean at different growth stages, Environmental Pollution, 2017, 231(Pt 1): 48-58.
14.Min Gou, Jing Zeng, Huizhong Wang, Yueqin Tang, Toru Shigematsu, Shigeru Morimura, Kenji Kida. Microbial communities in mesophilic glucose-fed and starch-fed chemostats changed with dilution rates and operation times. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2016, 10(2): 368-380.
15.Min Gou, HuiZhong Wang, HuaWei Yuan, WenXue Zhang, YueQin Tang, Kenji Kida, Characterization of the microbial community in three types of fermentation starters used for Chinese liquor production, Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 2015, 121(4): 620~627.
16.陈瑶, 夏子渊, 苟 敏*, 孙照勇, 汤岳琴. 微塑料富集环境抗生素抗性基因的研究进展. 塑料科技,2023.
17.安彤, 吴宗林, 庞悦, 孙照勇,苟 敏*. 导电材料强化挥发性脂肪酸互营氧化产甲烷菌群的种间直接电子传递研究进展. 应用与环境生物学报,2020.
18.庞悦, 吴宗林, 安彤, 孙照勇,苟 敏*. 污水生物处理中信号分子AHL介导的群体感应. 水处理技术,2020.
19.聂宇, 陈娅婷, 孙照勇,夏子渊,苟 敏*. 污水/城市污泥中抗生素对厌氧消化影响的研究进展. 应用与环境生物学报,2019.
20.赵宇莎, 郑丹, 于琪,苟 敏*, 汤岳琴. 厌氧消化污泥体系的DNA-稳定同位素探针标记条件研究. 中国沼气, 2018.
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