1. Liao, Yi; Xiang, Meizhen; Zeng Xiangguo; Chen, Jun, Molecular dynamics study of the micro-spallation of single crystal tin, Computational Materials Science, 95(2014)89-98,
2. Fan, Jinghong ; Stewart, Ross J.; Zeng Xiangguo, A multiscale method for dislocation nucleation and seamlessly passing scale boundaries, International Journal of Plasticity, v 27(12),( 2011) 2103-2124.
3. Wang, Fang ; Li, Lu; Chen, Zhiqian; Zeng, Xiangguo Statistical modeling for the accumulation of transverse matrix cracking in cross-ply laminates[J], Polymer Composites, v 33( 6)( 2012) 912-917.
4. Yuan Y Q, Zeng Xiangguo, Chen H Y, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation on microstructure evolution during solidification of copper nanoparticles, Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2013, 62(11): 1645-1651
5. Zeng, Xiang-Guo etc. Molecular dynamics simulation on plasticity deformation mechanism and failure near void for magnesium alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 20(2010)ps519-522.
6. Liao, Yi; Zeng, Xiangguo; Chen, Jun; Xu, Rongpeng; Chen, Huayan , Finite element simulation of crack propagation for α-Ti based on cohesive zone law deriving from molecular dynamics , 13th International Conference on Fracture ,ICF, 7(2013) 5685-5694.
7. Chen, Hua-Yan; Zeng, Xiang-Guo; Xu, Shu-Sheng, Molecular dynamics simulations of pre-crack effects on deformation and failure mechanisms for pure aluminum, Key Engineering Materials,vol 452-453(2011)505-508,
8. Wang, Fang, Zeng, Xiangguo; Zhang, Junqian Predictive approach to failure of composite laminates with equivalent constraint model, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, vol 23( 3),( 2010) 240-247,.
9. Zeng, Xiangguo; etc. Mechanical Testing and Numerical Simulation of the Fracture Toughness of Magnesium Alloy AM60 Under Impact Loading, MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM, Vol 610-613(2009)859-865.
10. Chen HuaYan; Zeng XiangGuo; Qian XiaoJun; Wang QingYuan; Xu ShuSheng,Numerical study in the effect of the incident bar shape in Hopkinson pressure bar on dynamic fracture parameters, Journal of Mechanical Strength, vol.33(1), (2011)120-125.
11. Shusheng Xu, Xiangguo Zeng, Huayan Chen. Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Crack Propagation for Magnesium . KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS , 417-418(2010) 21-24.
12. Wang, Fang ,Zeng, Xiangguo etc. Predictive approach to failure of composite laminates with equivalent constraint model[J], Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, v 23(3),( 2010) 240-247,
13. Xu,Shusheng, Zeng, Xiangguo, etc. Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Cyclic Relaxation of Die Cast Magnesium Alloy , MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM, Vols. 610-613(2009) 991-998..
14. Xiangguo Zeng,Zhanhua Gao, Jinghong Fan,Huayan Chen Experimental and numerical study of cyclic creep of cast magnesium alloy at high temperature , Advanced Materials Research, vol 33-37(2008): 421-428.
15. 曾祥国,盛鹰等 考虑热粘塑性钛合金动态本构关系及其实验验证,雷火竞技官方网站学报( 工程科学版) 2014 , 46 (6 ) : 152-157.
16. 姚安林,徐涛龙,郑健,曾祥国,陈华燕,河流穿越高压输气管道临界悬空长度的数值模拟研究,工程力学,2013,33(3):152-158.
17. 廖异, 曾祥国, 符文熹. Hoek-Brown 岩体非线性强度的线性化方法. 中南大学学报 (自然科学版), 2012, 43(12):4902-4911.
18. 廖异, 曾祥国, 陈华燕,王清远,刘卫国. AZ91E-T6 镁合金平均应力松弛的本构描述及其在疲劳寿命预测中的应用. 雷火竞技官方网站学报(工程科学版), 2012, 44(2): 176-181.
19. 姚安林,徐涛龙,李 星,曾祥国 基于试验和数值模拟确定挖掘机具作用下埋地输气管道的动载荷,振动与冲击,2014,33(17):39-46.
20. 杨喻淇,曾祥国,韩荣辉,唐光武,王清远,刘卫国 爆炸荷载作用桥梁动力响应及损伤的数值模拟,四川建筑科学研究,2012, 38(5):19-23.