1.Qi Ge, Yongjie Meng, Jingsong Ai, Wenhao Zuo, Feng Xiong*, Ye Liu, Na Dong. Seismic performance of precast concrete sandwich walls with bolt-steel plate connection. Engineering Structures, 2024, 303: 117402.
2.Tiancai Zheng, Qi Ge*, Feng Xiong, Guo Li, Yu Xue, Xiong Deng. Study of the flexural performance and a novel calculation formula for the degree of composite action for precast concrete sandwich panels. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, 2023, 32 (18): 47509-47519.
3.Qi Ge, Yinghan Song, Feng Xiong, Hongxing Xiong, Wenrui Li, Yang Lu, Mingming Ran, Ye Liu, Jiang Chen. A novel framework for estimation and prediction of direct economic earthquake loss for regional buildings. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 27 (8): 2244-2278. (SCI)
4.Qi Ge, Tiancai Zheng, Feng Xiong *, Mingming Ran, Jiang Chen, Yang Lu. Substructure Pseudo-Dynamic Test Study For A Structure Including Soil–Pile–Structure Dynamic Interaction. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2023, 13 (11): 6709.
5.Feng Xiong, Zhao-Qiang Wang,Ye Liu, Qi Ge. Seismic performance of novel bolt-connected precast concrete walls strengthened by UHPC. Engineering Structures. 2022; 270: 114926.
6.Min Xiang, Feng Xiong, Yang Lu, Qi Ge, Huiqun Yan and Mingming Ran. Structural Displacement Ratios for Seismic Evaluation of Structures on Rocking Shallow Foundations, Buildings 2022, 12, 174.1-26
7.Qi Ge, Wenhao Zuo, Renkuan Liu, Baoying Zhu, Peng Zhao, Li Wan, Yifan Wang, Rong Zhao. Experimental Studies for Shear and Multi-Impact Resistance Performance of Sand–Geofoam Material. Buildings, 2022, 12 (5): 633. (SCI)
8.Yang Lu, Feng Xiong, Mingming Ran, Qi Ge, Jianze Wang. Seismic pounding damage to adjacent reinforced concrete frame-shear wall buildings and freestanding contents. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2022, 51 (6): 1436-1456.
9.Yujie Lu, Ye Liu, Qi Ge, Qingfang Lv, Zhaoqiang Wang. Experimental and numerical studies on hysteretic behavior of friction-strip coupled damper. Engineering Structures, 2022, 265: 114519.
10.Mingming Ran, Yachao Zhong, Yuanzuo Wang, Guoqiang Li, Feng Xiong, Qi Ge. Fracture prediction in transverse fillet welded joints of high strength structural steel. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2022, 189: 107101.
11.Yu Liu, Jian Zuo, Min Pan, Qi Ge, Ruidong Chang, Feng Xiong, Yangting Fu, Na Dong. The incentive mechanism and decision-making behavior in the green building supply market: A tripartite evolutionary game analysis. Building and Environment, 2022, 214: 108903.
12.Hongyun Zou, Feng Xiong, Yang Lu, Qi Ge. Vertical vibration of a rigid strip footing on a half-space of unsaturated soil. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 148: 104840.
13.Yachao Zhong, Feng Xiong, Mingming Ran, Jiang Chen, Qi Ge, Yang Lu. Seismic behavior of a novel bolt-connected horizontal joint for precast RC wall panel structures: Experimental and numerical analysis. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 52: 104451.
14.Bowen Zhang, Feng Xiong, Yang Lu, Qi Ge, Ye Liu, Zhu Mei, Mingming Ran. Regional seismic damage analysis considering soil-structure cluster interaction using lumped parameter models: a case study of Sichuan University Wangjiang Campus buildings. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2021, 19 (11): 4289-4310.
15.朱钦泉,熊峰,葛琪*,吕洋,翟盼盼. 考虑结构-土-结构相互作用的区域建筑群震害评估,地震工程学报,2022,3:835-843.
16.Yang Lu, Wen Chen, Feng Xiong, Huiqun Yan, Qi Ge, Fuchao Zhao. Seismic Performance of a Full-Scale Two-Story Bolt-Connected Precast Concrete Composite Wall Panel Building Tested on a Shake Table. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2021, 147(12), 04021209. (SCI)
17.熊峰,雷鹏,葛琪*,吕洋,赵鹏,刘洋,陈江. 建筑数量对土-剪力墙结构建筑群动力相互作用的影响. 振动工程学报,2021,34(3:):539-551. (EI)
18.Peng Zhao, Song Yuan, Liangpu Li, Qi Ge*, Jun Liu, Longhuan Du. Experimental study on the multi-impact resistance of a composite cushion composed of sand and geofoam. Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 2021, 49(1): 45-56. (SCI)
19.Lu, Yang; Xiong, Feng; Ge, Qi. Dynamic rocking response of a rigid planar block on a nonlinear hysteretic Winkler foundation. Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 2021;50:2754–2773. (SCI)
20.Zhao, Peng; Xie, Lingzhi; Ge, Qi; et al. Numerical study of the effect of natural fractures on shale hydraulic fracturing based on the continuum approach. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 189: 107038. (SCI)
21.Lu, Yang; Li, Bo; Xiong, Feng; Ge Qi et al. Simple discrete models for dynamic structure-soil-structure interaction analysis. Engineering Structures, 2021, 206: 110188. (SCI)
22.Qi Ge, Tao He, Feng Xiong, Peng Zhao, Yang Lu, Yang Liu. Performance Study of SC Wall Based on Experiment and Parametric Analysis. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2020, 26(3): 227-246. (SCI)
23.Fu, Yangting, Dong, Na, Ge, Qi, Xiong, Feng, Gong, Cheng. Driving-paths of green buildings industry (GBI) from stakeholders' green behavior based on the network analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021,273: 122883. (SCI)
24.Qi Ge, Feng Xiong∗, Lunwu Xie, Jiang Chen, Minjiu Yu. Dynamic interaction of soil – Structure cluster. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 123:16–30. (SCI)
25.Qi Ge, Feng Xiong, Jiang Chen,Ziyu Yao. Effects of soil-structure cluster interactions on ground motions. Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings. 2020,29(1): e1675 (SCI)
26.Chen, J, Xiong, F , Zheng, J L , Ge, Q ,Cheng, F. Calibration Experiment for Seepage Monitoring Using Fiber Bragg Grating Hydrothermal Cycling Integration System. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2019, 42(4); 914-929. (SCI)
27.Chen, J , Xiong, F , Zheng, J L , Ge, Q ,Cheng, F. The influence of infiltration angle on the identification effect of seepage with linear heat source method. MEASUREMENT, 2019,148,(SCI)
28.Qi Ge, Feng Xiong, Jing Zhang, Jiang Chen. Shaking table test of dynamic interaction of soil – high-rise buildings. European journal of environmental and civil engineering, 2017,21:249-271. (SCI)
29.葛琪, 熊峰和陈江.考虑群效应的土–建筑群动力相互作用参数分析[J]. 工程科学与技术, 2019,51(1): 27–35. (EI)
30.葛琪, 熊峰*和何涛. 钢板混凝土组合墙试验和有限元分析[J]. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 48(5): 885–895. (EI)
31.吕洋, 熊峰, 葛琪*. 基于非弹性位移的土–结构相互作用的抗震设计方法. 雷火竞技官方网站学报(工程科学版), 2018, 50(3): 142-148. (通讯作者,EI)
32.葛琪,熊峰*,陈江,谢伦武.软土地基上土—高层建筑群体系对高层建筑影响的试验研究,振动与冲击,2016,35(12):102-109. (EI)
33.熊峰,赵丽,谢伦武,葛琪*. 考虑土-高层建筑群动力相互作用的振动台试验研究,雷火竞技官方网站学报(工程科学版),2015,47(3):37-43。 (通讯作者,EI)
34.牟爽,葛琪*,熊峰,张昊焓. 土与高层建筑群相互作用的群体效应分析, 四川建筑科学研究, 2018.12.25, 44(6): 27~33 ; (通讯作者,核心期刊)
35.葛琪,熊峰*,陈江,谢伦武.基于土与高层建筑群相互作用振动台试验的土体动力非线性模拟,世界地震工程,2017,33(2):55-63. (核心)
36.Qi Ge, Xin Chen, Xingguo Yang, Feng Xiong. Stability Analysis of Excavation based on Regression Analysis of In-situ Stress Field. Geotechnical & Structural Engineering Congress,2016,1092-1113.(EI).
37.Feng Xiong, Lingzhi Xie , Qi Ge, Yuxin Pan, Moe Cheung. Reconnaissance report on buildings damaged during the Lushan earthquake, April 20, 2013, Natural Hazards,2015,7(1),635-650. (SCI)
38.Qi Ge, Feng Xiong, Qunyi Huang, Lunwu Xie, Ziyu Yao. Soil-Underground Structure Dynamic Interaction Considering Soil Non-linearity, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013: 317-327.
39.Feng Xiong, Qi Ge*. Dynamic Interaction of Soil – Structure Cluster, EMI&PMC 2016,2016.
40.Jiang Chen, Cheng F, Feng Xiong,Qi Ge, Shaojie Zhang. An experimental study: Fiber Bragg grating–hydrothermal cycling integration system for seepage monitoring of rockfill dams. Structural health monitoring, 2017, 16(1): 50-61. (SCI)
41.Jiang Chen, Zheng J, Xiong F,Q Ge. Experimental investigation of leak detection using mobile distributed monitoring system. Smart Materials and Structures, 2017, 27(1): 15-25.(SCI)
42.Xin He; Hochstein Daniel; Qi Ge; Ayman W. Ali; Fangliang Chen; Huiming Yin. Accelerated aging of asphalt by UV photo-oxidation considering moisture and condensation effects. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2018, 30(1): 1-12.(SCI)
43.杨植,熊峰(*),余民玖,葛琪. 九寨沟地震灾区调研及重建模式的思考, 土木工程学报, 2018, 52(S2): 41-47.( EI)
44.张昊焓,熊峰(*),葛琪. 土-框架建筑群动力相互作用有限元模拟分析, 地震工程与工程振动, 2017, 35(5): 169-177. (核心期刊)
45.陈江,程飞,昝亚锋,葛琪,熊峰(*).光纤光栅-水暖循环集成系统监测渗流的试验研究, 雷火竞技官方网站学报( 工程科学版), 2016, 48(6): 51-57.(EI)
46.盛尹; 熊峰; 葛琪. 基于ANSYS的石油井架整体稳定性分析, 四川建筑, 2016, 36(1): 128-131.
47.陈江, 程飞,熊峰,葛琪,张少杰(*).基于FBG-水暖循环集成系统的渗流监测方法及标定试验, 光电子· 激光, 2016, 27(5): 479-485. (EI)
48.陈江,熊峰,葛琪,刘浩吾. 高拱坝气幕隔震的动力模型试验, 实验力学, 2015, 30(3): 282-288.
49.陈江,熊峰,葛琪. 高拱坝强震开裂及气幕隔震效果研究, 防灾减灾工程学报, 2015, 35(4): 447-463.
50.黄群艺,熊峰*,周宁,葛琪. 新型3D板墙体抗震性能试验研究. 雷火竞技官方网站学报(自然科学版),2014,46(3):15-22. (EI)
51.赵丽,熊峰*,葛琪,谢伦武. 土-高层建筑群相互作用对场地土影响的试验研究. 地震工程与工程振动,2014,34(6):90-96. (核心期刊)
52.谢伦武,熊峰*,姚梓渝,葛琪.基于MATLAB和ABAQUS的土体等效线性化方法二次开发.地震工程与工程振动, 2015,35(1):1-8. (核心期刊)
53.张慕圣、张国镇. 2013中国四川“4.20”芦山地震报告. 成都:雷火竞技官方网站出版社,2013.