
王 蒙

姓名:王 蒙






电子邮箱:wangmengscu@hotmail.com; wangmeng@scu.edu.cn





硕士研究生导师,力学系主任助理,四川省海外高层次留学人才,雷火竞技官方网站“力学-软件工程交叉专业实验班”教研室主任。主要从事岩石动载致裂机理与应用(包括实验与数值分析)、计算力学相关研究。在Mechanics of Materials、Landslides、Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology、Engineering Fracture Mechanics等领域知名期刊发表SCI论文多篇,授权国家发明专利2项,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、中国博士后科学基金面上项目等。欢迎对岩石力学、计算力学感兴趣的同学报考研究生


1.2021.09 -至今,雷火竞技官方网站,雷火竞技官方网站,力学科学与工程系,副教授

2.2021.06 - 2021.09,雷火竞技官方网站,雷火竞技官方网站,力学科学与工程系,副研究员(专职科研)

3.2018.10 – 2019.10,华威大学(University of Warwick),Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling (WCPM),访问副教授;

4.2016.06 – 2021.06,雷火竞技官方网站,雷火竞技官方网站,力学科学与工程系,助理研究员

5.2010.09 – 2015.12,雷火竞技官方网站,固体力学,博士

6.2006.09 – 2010.06,雷火竞技官方网站,工程力学,学士
















1.GaoW.T. Zhu Z.M.Wang M. Ying P. Wang F. Niu C.Y. and Zhang X.S. (2022) Influence of the interlaced holes on crack propagation behavior underimpact loads.International Journal of Impact Engineering, 163, 164178.

2.Li X.H. Zhu Z.M.Wang M. Shu Y. Deng S. and Xiao D.J. (2022) Influence of blasting load directions on tunnel stability in fractured rockmass.Journal of Rock Mechanics andGeotechnical Engineering, 14, 346-365.

3.Qiu H. Chen B.L. Wang F. Liao F.Y.Wang M. and Wan D.Y. (2022) Investigating dynamic fracture in marble-mortar interface underimpact loading.Construction and Building Materials, 336, 127548.

4.Li X.H. Zhu Z.M.Wang M. Wan D.Y. Zhou L. and Niu C.Y. (2021) Numerical study on the behavior of blasting in deep rock masses.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 113, 103968.

5.Qiu H. Wang F. Zhu Z.M.Wang M. Yu D.M. Luo C.S. and Wan D.Y. (2021) Study on dynamic fracture behaviour and fracture toughness in rock-mortarinterface under impact load.Composite Structures, 271, 114174.

6.Li J.F. Ying P. Zhu Z.M.Wang M. Jiang Y.C. and Wan D.Y. (2021) A new method for measuring the dynamic fracture toughness under blastloads using arc-edge rectangle with edge notches.Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 112, 102891.

7.Wang M. Ma G.T. and Wang F. (2021) Numerically investigation on blast-induced wavepropagation in catastrophic large-scale beddingrockslide.Landslides, 18, 785-797.

8.Qiu H. Wang F. Zhu Z.M.Wang M. Zhou C.L. Luo C.S. Wang X.Y. and Mao H.Y. (2021) Dynamic behavior of a running crack crossing mortar-rockinterface under impacting load.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 240, 107202.

9.Ding C.X. Yang R.S. Zhen L.Wang M. Zhao Y and Lin H. (2021) Fractal damage and crack propagation in decoupled charge blasting.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 240, 107202.

10.Li X.H. Zhu Z.M.Wang M.Xiao D.J. Shu Y. and Deng S. (2021) Fracture mechanism of rock around a tunnel-shaped cavity with interconnected cracks under blasting stress waves.International Journal of Impact Engineering, 157, 103999.

11.Zhang X.S. Zhu Z.M. Wen G.C. Lang L. andWang M.(2021) Study on gas desorption and diffusion kinetic behavior in coal matrix using a modified shrinking core model.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 204, 103454.

12.Zhang X.S. Long Q.M. Zhu Z.M.Wang M.Zhang R. Chen D.M. and Li J.G. (2021) A novel reverse circulation drilling device for the underground sampling to soft coal.Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14, 1112.

13.Wang F.Wang M. Zhu Z.M. Deng J.H. Nezhad M.M. Qiu H. and Ying P. (2020) Rock Dynamic Crack Propagation Behaviour and Determination Method with Improved Single Cleavage Semi-circle Specimen under Impact Loads.Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,33(6), 793-811.

14.Chao Z.M. Ma G.T. andWang M. (2020) Experimental and numerical modelling of the mechanical behaviour of low-permeability sandstone considering hydromechanics.Mechanics of Materials, 148, 103454.

15.Chao Z.M. Ma G.T. andWang M. (2020) The investigation of seepage model for columnar jointed rock masses during cyclic loading and unloading of confining pressure.Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13, 621.

16.Wang F.Wang M. (2020) Effect of holes on dynamic cracks propagation under impact loading.Applied Sciences, 10, 1122.

17.Qiu H. Zhu Z.M.Wang M. Wang F. Luo C.S. and Wan D.Y. (2020) Study of the failure properties and tensile strength of rock-mortar interface transition zone using bi-material Brazilian discs.Construction and Building Materials, 236, 117551.

18.Qiu H. Zhu Z.M.Wang M. Wang F. Ma Y.C. Lang L. and Ying P. (2020) Study on crack dynamic propagation behavior and fracture toughness in rock-mortar interface of concrete.Engineering Fracture Mechanics,228, 106798.

19.Li P.D. Fan H.D.Wang M. Zhou K. and Wang Q. (2020) A closed-form solution for the 3D steady-state thermoporoelastic field in an infinite transversely isotropic rock weakened by an elliptical crack.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences,129, 104292.

20.Wang F.Wang M. Nezhad M.M. Qiu H. Ying P. and Niu C.Y. (2020) Rock dynamic crack propagation under different loading rates using improved single cleavage semi-circle specimen.Applied Sciences, 9, 4944.

21.Ying P. Zhu Z.M. Wang F.Wang M. Niu C.Y. and Zhou L. (2019) The characteristics of dynamic fracture toughness and energy release rate of rock under impact.Measurement, 147, 106884-1-11.

22.Wang X. Zhu Z.M. Qiu H. Wan D.Y. Wang F. andWang M. (2019) Study of the effect of stratifications on crack propagation behaviors in shale under impacting loads.Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 38(8), 1542-1556.

23.Wang M.Wang F. Zhu Z.M. Dong Y.Q. Nezhad M.M. and Zhou L. (2019) Modelling of crack propagation in rocks under SHPB impacts using a damage method.Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 42(8), 1699-1710.

24.Wang F.Wang M. Zhu Z.M. Qiu H. Ying P. and Wang X.Y. (2019) Study on evolution law of rock crack dynamic propagation in complete process under impact loading.Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 38(6), 1139-1148.

25.Zhou L. Zhu Z.M. Dong Y.Q. Ying P. andWang M.(2019) Study of the fracture behavior of mode I and mixed mode I/II cracks in tunnel under impact loads.Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 84, 11-21.

26.Wang M.Zhu Z.M. Dong Y.Q. and Zhou L. (2019) Suggested methods for determining dynamic fracture toughness and numerical investigation of cracking processes under impacting loads.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 145(5), 04019030-1-8.

27.Ying P. Zhu Z. Zhou L.Wang M.Dong Y.Q. and Qiu H. (2018) The Effect of Loading Rates on Crack Dynamic Behavior Under Medium–Low Speed Impacts.Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 32(3), 93-104.

28.Dong Y.Q. Zhu Z.M. Zhou L. Ying P. andWang M.(2018) Study of mode I crack dynamic propagation behaviour and rock dynamic fracture toughness by using SCT specimens.Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 41: 1810-22.

29.Zhou L. Zhu Z.M.Wang M.Ying P. and Dong Y.Q. (2018) Dynamic propagation behavior of cracks emanating from tunnel edges under impact loads.Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 105: 119-126.

30.Wang X.M. Zhu Z.M.Wang M. Ying P. Zhou L. and Dong Y.Q. (2017) Study of rock dynamic fracture toughness by using VB-SCSC specimens under medium-low speed impacts.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 181: 52-64.

31.Wang M.Zhu Z.M. Dong Y.Q. and Zhou L. (2017) Study of mixed-mode I/II fractures using single cleavage semicircle compression specimens under impacting loads.Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 177, 33-44.

32.王蒙朱哲明王雄(2016)冲击荷载作用下的I/II复合型裂纹扩展规律研究.岩石力学与工程学报, 35(7):1323-1332.

33.王蒙朱哲明胡荣(2016)基于SCSCC试样的岩石复合型裂纹动态扩展特征研究.雷火竞技官方网站学报(工程科学版), 48(2):57-65.

34.王蒙朱哲明谢军(2015)岩石I–II复合型裂纹动态扩展SHPB实验及数值模拟研究.岩石力学与工程学报, 34(12): 2474-2485.

35.王蒙朱哲明冯若琪(2015)真三轴加卸载条件下巷道周边裂隙岩体变形破坏试验研究.煤炭学报, 40(2):278 -285.

36.Zhu Z.M. Wang C. Kang J. Li Y. andWang M.(2014) Study on the mechanism of zonal disintegration around an excavation.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 67:88-95.

37.Ren L. Zhu Z.M.Wang M.Zheng T. and Ai T. (2014) Mixed-mode elastic-plastic fractures: improved R-criterion.Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 140(6), 04014033.

38.王蒙朱哲明曾利刚(2012)巷道周边裂纹应力强度因子的实验研究.雷火竞技官方网站学报(工程科学版), 44(s1): 99-103.

39.朱哲明王超王蒙李元鑫李永乾(2011)爆炸荷载作用下缺陷岩体破坏特征的数值模拟研究.雷火竞技官方网站学报(工程科学版), 43(2):1-8.



期刊审稿人:Mechanics of Materials; Engineering Fracture Mechanics; Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics等

性别 出生年月
学位 博士 职称 副教授
联系电话 电子邮箱 wangmengscu@hotmail.com; wangmeng@scu.edu.cn
传真 通讯地址 成都市一环路南一段24号雷火竞技官方网站雷火竞技官方网站
邮编 610065