







电子邮箱:lipeidongde@163.com; peidongli@scu.edu.cn





副教授、博士生导师、新加坡南洋理工大学博士后,从事固体力学相关的科研与教学工作。长期致力于多物理场耦合条件下各向异性非均质工程材料/结构的损伤和断裂行为研究,所涉及的材料包括:多孔介质、准晶、电磁材料等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目等国家级和省部级课题5项。获得四川省“高层次留学归国人才”荣誉称号。在Int J Rock Mech Min Sci,Int J Solids Struct,Int J Eng Sci,Int J Mech Sci,Eng Fract Mech,Mech Mater等国际期刊上发表SCI论文35篇(第一作者17篇,通讯作者5篇)。担任SCI期刊《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》的副主编,SCI期刊《Crystals》的客座编辑,《宁夏大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委。受邀在国际期刊《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》和《Tribology International》上撰写接触、损伤与断裂相关综述论文。






























1、SCI期刊《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》(IF: 2.027)副主编;

2、SCI期刊《Crystals》(IF: 2.700)客座编辑;






1、2021.04 四川省海外高层次留学人才

2、2019.01 西南交通大学优秀博士毕业论文

3、2017.01 四川省优秀博士毕业生;

4、2016/2014/2013 博士/硕士研究生国家奖学金;

5、2014.12 西南交通大学博士研究生拔尖创新人才支持计划;


1.Li PD, Li WD*, Tan Yu, Fan HD, Wang QY, A phase field fracture model for ultra-thin micro-/nano-films with surface effects. International Journal of Engineering Science, 2024, 195, 104104.

2.Zheng R*, Liu H, Li P, Deng Z*. Elliptic crack problem under shear mode in one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals with crack surface parallel to the quasiperiodic axis. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2024, 288, 112601.

3.Tan Y, Liu C, Zhao JS, He Y, Li PD, Li XY*.Phase field model for brittle fracture in multiferroic materials. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2023) 414, 116193.

4.Zhao SM, Li PD*, Wang T, Tan Y, Fan HD, Wang QY. A phase-field model for thermo-elastic fracture in quasicrystals. Engineering Fracture Mechanics (2023) 289, 109432.

5.Dai K, Jiang Z, Fang C, Li PD, Zhang S*. A tuned cable-inerter system for vibration reduction of towers. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (2023) 248, 108199.

6.Li PD, Li WD, Li B, Yang S, Shen YX, Wang QY*, Zhou K*. A review on phase field models for fracture and fatigue. Engineering Fracture Mechanics (2023) 289, 109419.

7.Li PD, Li WD, Fan HD*, Wang QY*, Zhou K. A phase-field framework for brittle fracture in quasi-crystals. International Journal of Solids and Structures (2023) 279, 112385.

8.Li PD*, Liu YW, Zhang SH, Shao BM, Fan HD, Wang QY*. Adhesive contact of a one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal half-space punched by a spherical indenter. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica (2022) 27: 1233-1254.

9.Li DY, Li PD, Li WD, Li WG*, Zhou K*. Three-dimensional phase-field modeling of temperature-dependent thermal shock-induced fracture in ceramic materials. Engineering Fracture Mechanics (2022) 268: 108444.

10.Li B, Li PD, Zhou RH, Feng XQ, Zhou K*, Contact mechanics in tribological and contact damage-related problems: A review. Tribology International (2022) 171: 107534.

11.Liu YW, Tang XS, Duan PL, Wang T, Li PD*. Three-dimensional thermo-electro-elastic field in one-dimensional hexagonal piezoelectric quasi-crystal weakened by an elliptical crack. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids (2021) 27(7): 1233-1254.

12.Li PD, Li DY, Wang QY, Zhou K*. Phase-field modeling of hydro-thermally induced fracture in thermo-poroelastic media. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 254 (2021) 107887.

13.Li PD*, Fan HD, Wang M, Zhou K, Wang QY*. A closed-form solution for the 3D steady-state thermoporoelastic field in an infinite transversely isotropic rock weakened by an elliptical crack. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 129 (2020) 104292.

14.Li PD, Zhang H, Wang QY, Shao BM*, Fan HD*. Effect of temperature on the performance of laterally constrained dielectric elastomer actuators with failure modes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2020, 137(35): 49037.

15.Li PD*, Zhou M, Wang QY*, Indentation on a one-dimensional hexagonal quasi-crystal half-space by an elliptic indenter. Meccanica 2019, 54: 1225-1243.

16.Li PD, Liu YJ, Zhang H, Wang QY*, Indentation on a half-infinite one-dimensional hexagonal quasi-crystal space by a rigid flat-ended cylindrical indenter with uniform heat flux or temperature. Mechanics of Materials 2019, 131: 33-46.

17.Li PD, Li XY*, Kang GZ, Axisymmetric thermo-elastic field in an infinite one-dimensional hexagonal quasi-crystal space containing a penny-shaped crack under anti-symmetric heat fluxes. Engineering Fracture Mechanics 190 (2018) 74-92.

18.Li PD, Li XY*, Kang GZ, Müller R, Electric and magnetic polarization saturations for a thermally loaded penny-shaped crack in a magneto-electro-thermo-elastic medium. Smart Materials and Structures 26 (2017) 095049 (15pp).

19.Li PD, Li XY*, Kang GZ, Müller R, Three-dimensional fundamental solution of a penny-shaped crack in an infinite thermo-magneto-electro-elastic medium with transverse isotropy. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 2017, 130: 203-220.

20.Li PD, Li XY*, Kang GZ, Gao CF, Müller R, Crack tip electric polarization saturation of a thermally loaded penny-shaped crack in an infinite thermo-piezo-elastic medium. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2017, 117: 67-79.

21.Li PD, Li XY*, Kang GZ, Axisymmetric thermo-elastic field in an infinite space containing a penny shaped crack under a pair of symmetric uniform heat fluxes and its applications. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2016, 115-116: 634-644.

22.Li PD, Li XY*, Zheng RF, Thermo-elastic Green’s functions for an infinite bi-material of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals. Physics Letters A, 2013, 377: 637-642.

23.Li PD, Li XY*, Wang T, Three-dimensional thermo-electro-elastic field in a circular plate of functional graded materials with transverse isotropy. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2015, 22: 537-547.

24.Li PD, Li XY*, Kang GZ, Crack tip plasticity of a half-infinite Dugdale crack embedded in an infinite space of one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal. Mechanics Research Communications, 2015, 70, 72-78.

25.Li XY*, Li PD, Kang GZ, Chen WQ, Müller R, Steady-state thermo-elastic field in an infinite medium weakened by a penny-shaped crack: Complete and exact solutions. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016, 84, 167-182.

26.Zhang H, Li PD, Gong XF, Wang TJ, Li L, Liu YJ, Wang QY. Tensile properties, strain rate sensitivity and failure mechanism of single crystal superalloys CMSX-4. Materials Science and Engineering A 782 (2020) 139105

27.Zhang H*, Li PD, Wang QY, Guan ZW, Liu YJ*, Gong XF. Electron beam welding of nimonic 80A superalloy: microstructure evolution and EBSD study after aging heat treatment. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2019) 28: 741-752.

28.Zhang H, Li PD, Wang QY*, Liu YJ*, Fatigue crack propagation of nickel-based superalloy: Experiments and simulations with extended finite element method. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, (2019) 28: 967-972.

29.Li XY*, Li PD, Kang GZ, Crack tip plasticity of a thermally loaded penny-shaped crack in an infinite space of 1D QC. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2015, 28, 471-483.

30.Li XY*, Li PD, Three-dimensional thermo-elastic general solutions of one-dimensional hexagonal quasi-crystal and fundamental solutions. Physics Letters A, 2012, 376: 2004-2009.

31.Li XY*, Li PD, Wu TH, Shi MX, Zhu ZW, Three-dimensional fundamental solutions for one dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal with piezoelectric effect. Physics Letters A, 2014, 378: 826-834.

32.Li XY*, Li PD, Kang GZ, Pan DZ, Axisymmetric thermo-elasticity field in a functionally graded circular plate of transversely isotropic material. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2012, 18: 464-475.

33.Wang ZP, Wang T, Li PD, Li XY*, Chen WQ, Müller R, Three-dimensional fundamental thermo-elastic solutions applied to contact problems. Journal of Applied Physics, 2016, 120, 174904.

34.Li XY*, Wang YW, Li PD, Kang GZ, Müller R, Three-dimensional fundamental thermo-elastic field in an infinite space of two-dimensional hexagonal quasi-crystal with a penny-shaped/half-infinite plane crack. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 88 (2017) 18-30.

35.Li XY, Ding HJ, Chen WQ, Li PD, Three-dimensional piezoelectricity solutions for uniformly loaded circular plates of functionally graded piezoelectric materials with transverse isotropy. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2013, 80: 0410071-12.

性别 出生年月 1989.11
学位 博士 职称 副教授、博士生导师
联系电话 电子邮箱 lipeidongde@163.com; peidongli@scu.edu.cn
传真 通讯地址 雷火竞技力学系
邮编 610065