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2019.10至今 雷火竞技官方网站 教授(破格)、博士生导师(破格)

2019.07-2019.08 日本东京大学 客座研究员

2017.09-2018.08 德国马普学会钢铁所 洪堡学者

2016.07-2016.10 香港大学 访问学者

2015.10-2019.09 雷火竞技官方网站 副教授

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2008.09-2012.06 华中科技大学 博士

2004.09-2008.06 华中科技大学 学士




























[1]H. Fan, Q. Wang, J.A. El-Awady, D. Raabe, M. Zaiser. Strain rate dependency of dislocation plasticity.Nature Communications. 12. 1845. 2021.

[2]J. Tang, W. Jiang, Q. Wang, X. Tian, D. Wei,H. Fan, Hardening effects of sheared precipitates on {11-21} twinning in magnesium alloys,Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2021.

[3]Z Li, X Tian, J Tang, Q Wang, W Jiang,H Fan, Molecular dynamics simulations on the dislocation interactions in magnesium,Computational Materials Science197, 110597,2021.

[4]J Shen,H Fan, J Wang, C Yu, Z Huang, A fatigue life evaluation method for notched geometries considered the stress gradient concept,International Journal of Fracture, 1-16,2021.

[5]Z. Xing,H. Fan, J. Tang, B. Wang, G. Kang. Molecular dynamics simulation on the cyclic deformation of magnesium single crystals.Computational Materials Science. 186. 110003. 2021.

[6]J. Tang, X. Tian, W. Jiang, Q. Wang, D. Wei, X. Zhang,H. Fan. Interactions between twin boundary and point defects in magnesium at low temperature.Journal of Materials Research. 2021.

[7]Z Li, W Jiang, Y Chen, G Wang, F Yan, T Zeng,H Fan, Acute and short-term efficacy of sauna treatment on cardiovascular function: Ameta-analysis,European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing20 (2), 96-105,2021.

[8]JT Zhang, Y Liang, H Guo, TC Zhang,H Fan, X Tian, The interaction between vacancy defects in gallium sulfide monolayer and a new vacancy defect model,Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,2021.

[9]范海冬,李自琨,李德飞,唐婧.金属材料辐照缺陷演化的分子动力学研究进展.固体力学学报. 41. 498-512. 2020.

[10]J.Tang,H.Fan, D.Wei, W.Jiang, Q.Wang, X.Tian, X.Zhang,Interaction between a{10-12}twin boundary and grain boundaries in magnesium,International Journal of Plasticity,126, 102613, 2020.

[11]H. Guo, X. Tian,H. Fan, W. Jiang. Strain tunable ferroelectricity of SnSe/SnTe van der Waals heterostructures.Superlattices and Microstructures. 148. 106728. 2020.

[12]H. Guo, J. Zhao, C. Chen, S. Li, W. Jiang,H. Fan, X. Tian, S. A. Yang, Nonsymmorphic nodal-line metals in the two-dimensional rare earth monochalcogenides MX (M= Sc, Y; X= S, Se, Te),Journal of Materials Science, 55, 14883–14892, 2020.

[13]X. Tian, Q. She, H. Guo, Y. Chen, W. Jiang, Z. Zhou,H. Fan. Strain-induced vortex domain structure in Nano-crystalline ferroelectric.Ferroelectrics. 568. 71-78. 2020.

[14]P Li,H Fan, M Wang, K Zhou, Q Wang, A closed-form solution for the 3D steady-state thermoporoelastic field in an infinite transversely isotropic rock weakened by an elliptical crack.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences129, 104292, 2020.

[15]Z. Li, W. Jiang, Y. Chen, G. Wang, F. Yan, T. Zeng,H. Fan. Acute and short-term efficacy of sauna treatment on cardiovascular function: A meta-analysis.European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 1474515120944584. 2020.

[16]P. Li, H. Zhang, Q. Wang, B. Shao,H Fan, Effect of temperature on the performance of laterally constrained dielectric elastomer actuators with failure modes,Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 49037, 2020.

[17]W. Li, S. I Rao, Q. Wang,H. Fan, J. Yang, J. El-Awady, Core structure and mobility of edge dislocations in face-centered-cubic chemically complex NiCoFe and NiCoFeCu equiatomic solid-solution alloys,Materialia, 100628, 2020.

[18]H. Guo, W. Jiang,H. Fan, X. He, Y. Li, X. Tian. Theoretical design of SnTe/GeS lateral heterostructures: A first-principles study.Physica B: Condensed Matter. 412047. 2020.

[19]H. Guo, W. Jiang, Q. She,H. Fan, X. He, X. Tian, Effects of vacancy defects on electronic properties of 2D group-IV Tellurides (XTe, X= Si, Ge, Sn and Pb),Superlattices and Microstructures,137, 106326, 2020.

[20]S.Lu, B.Zhang, X.Li, J.Zhao, M.Zaiser,H.Fan, X.Zhang, Grain boundary effect on nanoindentation: A multiscale discrete dislocation dynamics model,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 126,117-135, 2019.

[21]D.Wei, M.Zaiser, Z.Feng, G.Kang,H.Fan, X.Zhang,Effect of Twin Boundary Orientation on the Mechanical Properties of Bicrystalline Copper Micropillars,Acta Materialia,176, 289-296, 2019.

[22]W.Li,H.Fan, J.Tang, Q.Wang, X.Zhang, J.El-Awady,Effects of alloying on deformation twinning in high entropy alloys,Materials Science & Engineering A,763, 138143, 2019.

[23]X.Zhang,J.Xiong,H.Fan,M.Zaiser,Microplasticity and yielding in crystals with heterogeneous dislocation distribution,Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,27, 074003,2019.

[24]范海冬,镁合金塑性机制研究综述,固体力学学报,40 (4), 287-325, 2019.

[25]马俊,王冰,范海冬,蒋晗.基底纹理对镍/铜纳米双层膜刮擦行为影响的分子动力学模拟.摩擦学学报. 39. 577-584. 2019.

[26]J.Zhao,Q.Kan,L.Zhou,G.Kang,H.Fan, X.Zhang,Deformation mechanisms based constitutive modelling and strength-ductility mapping of gradient nano-grained materials,Materials Science & Engineering A, 742,400-408, 2019.

[27]H.Guo, W.Jiang, Q.She,H.Fan, X.He, X.Tian,Sn Te monolayer: Tuning its electronic properties with doping,Superlattices and Microstructures, 130, 12-19, 2019.

[28]H. Fan, A.H.W. Ngan, K. Gan, J.A. El-Awady, Origin of double-peak precipitation hardening in metallic alloys,International Journal of Plasticity, 111,152-167,2018.

[29]H.Fan,Y.Zhu,J.A. El-Awady,D.Raabe, Precipitation hardening effects on extension twinning in magnesium alloys,International Journal of Plasticity, 106, 186-202, 2018.

[30]H. Fan, Y. Zhu, Q. Wang, Effect of precipitate orientation on the twinning deformation in magnesium alloys,Computational Materials Science, 155, 378-382, 2018.

[31]X. Tian, C. Zhou, X. He, Z. Zhou, Y. Chen, H. Guo,H. Fan, The evolution of anti-vortex like domain under electric field in polycrystalline ferroelectric,Composites Part B: Engineering, 154, 195-199, 2018.

[32]G.-D. Sim, G. Kim, S. Lavenstein, M.H. Hamza,H. Fan, J.A. El-Awady, Anomalous hardening in magnesium driven by a size-dependent transition in deformation modes,Acta Materialia, 144, 11-20, 2018.

[33]Q. Jiao, G.-D. Sim,H. Fan, J.A. El-Awady, Micro-mechanical characterization of micro-architectured tungsten coatings,Materials Science and Engineering: A, 705, 366-375, 2017.

[34]Y. Zhu, Z. Li, M. Huang,H. Fan, Study on interactions of an edge dislocation with vacancy-H complex by atomistic modelling,International Journal of Plasticity, 92, 31-44, 2017.

[35]H. Fan, J. Tang, X. Tian, Q. Wang, X. Tian, J.A. El-Awady, Core structures and mobility of⟨c⟩dislocations in magnesium,Scripta Materialia, 135, 37-40, 2017.

[36]H. Fan, Q. Wang, X. Tian, J.A. El-Awady, Temperature effects on the mobility of pyramidal <c + a> dislocations in magnesium,Scripta Materialia, 127, 68-71, 2017.

[37]H. Fan, S. Aubry, A. Arsenlis, J.A. El-Awady, Grain size effects on dislocation and twinning mediated plasticity in magnesium,Scripta Materialia, 112, 50-53, 2016.

[38]H. Fan, S. Aubry, A. Arsenlis, J.A. El-Awady, The role of twinning deformation on the hardening response of polycrystalline magnesium from discrete dislocation dynamics simulations,Acta Materialia, 92, 126-139, 2015.

[39]H. Fan, S. Aubry, A. Arsenlis, J.A. El-Awady, Orientation influence on grain size effects in ultrafine-grained magnesium,Scripta Materialia, 97, 25-28, 2015.

[40]Z.H. Aitken,H. Fan, J.A. El-Awady, J.R. Greer, The effect of size, orientation and alloying on the deformation of AZ31 nanopillars,Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 76, 208-223, 2015.

[41]H. Fan, J.A. El-Awady, Towards resolving the anonymity of pyramidal slip in magnesium,Materials Science and Engineering: A, 644, 318-324, 2015.

[42]H. Fan, J.A. El-Awady, Q. Wang, Towards further understanding of stacking fault tetrahedron absorption and defect-free channels–A molecular dynamics study,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 458, 176-186, 2015.

[43]H. Fan, Q. Wang, C. Ouyang, Comprehensive molecular dynamics simulations of the stacking fault tetrahedron interacting with a mixed dislocation at elevated temperature,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 465, 245-253, 2015.

[44]H. Fan, J.A. El-Awady, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Orientation Effects During Tension, Compression, and Bending Deformations of Magnesium Nanocrystals,Journal of Applied Mechanics, 82, 101006-101006, 2015.

[45]H. Fan, Q. Wang, A complete absorption mechanism of stacking fault tetrahedron by screw dislocation in copper,Journal of Nuclear Materials, 441, 211-215, 2013.

[46]H. Fan, Z. Li, M. Huang, Toward a further understanding of intermittent plastic responses in the compressed single/bi-crystalline micro-pillars,Scripta Materialia, 66, 813-816, 2012.

[47]H. Fan, Z. Li, M. Huang, Size effect on the compressive strength of hollow micropillars governed by wall thickness,Scripta Materialia, 67, 225-228, 2012.

[48]H. Fan, Z. Li, M. Huang, X. Zhang, Thickness effects in polycrystalline thin films: Surface constraint versus interior constraint,International Journal of Solids and Structures, 48, 1754-1766, 2011.

[49]C. Ouyang, Z. Li, M. Huang,H. Fan, Cylindrical nano-indentation on metal film/elastic substrate system with discrete dislocation plasticity analysis: A simple model for nano-indentation size effect,International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47,3103-3114, 2010.

[50]J.A. El-Awady,H. Fan, A.M. Hussein, Discrete Dislocation Dynamics: Recent Advances in Modeling Size-Affected Plasticity,Multiscale Materials Modeling for Nanomechanics, 2016.

[51]D.Li, J. Tang, Z. Li, X. Tian, Y. Li,H. Fan,Interactions of a Basal Edge Dislocation with Vacancies and Interstitials in Magnesium, Magnesium Technology 2021, 2021.

[52]S He, W Jiang, J Bai, M Zhang,H Fan, Study of dynamical mechanical properties and dislocation dynamics of copper single crystals by discrete dislocation dynamics simulation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 770, 12-15, 2020.

[53]Q.She, H.Guo, W.Jiang,H.Fan, Q.Wang, X.Tian,Strain Effect Of Band Gap In Snte Monolayer,Symposium on Piezoelectrcity, Acoustic Waves and Device Applications, 2019.

[54]H. Fan, J.A. El-Awady,Hardening Effects of Precipitates with Different Shapes on the Twinning in Magnesium Alloys,Magnesium Technology 2019, 257-261,2019.

[55]W. Li, J. Tang, Q. Wang,H. Fan, Molecular Dynamics Simulations on the Mechanical Behavior of AlCoCrCu0.5FeNi High-Entropy Alloy Nanopillars,TMS 2019Proceedings, 1271-1280,2019.

[56]D. Wei,H. Fan, J. Tang, X. Zhang, Effect of a Vertical Twin Boundary on the Mechanical Property of Bicrystalline Copper Micropillars,TMS 2019Proceedings, 1305-1310,2019.

[57]J. Tang, W. Jiang, X. Tian,H. Fan,Effect of Solute Atoms on the Twinning Deformation in Magnesium Alloys,Magnesium Technology 2019, 227-230,2019.

[58]X. Tian, H. Guo, W. Jiang,H. Fan, X. He, Y. Chen, Lattice scale study of the interaction between the vortex and anti-vortex polarization domain,Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications (SPAWDA),495-499,2017.

[59]H. Fan, S. Aubry, A. Arsenlis, J.A. El-Awady, Discrete dislocation dynamics simulations of twin size-effects in magnesium, MRS Proceedings, 1741, mrsf14-1741-aa1702-1702, 2015.

[60]H. Fan, Q. Wang, M.K. Khan, Cyclic bending response of single- and polycrystalline thin films: two dimensional discrete dislocation dynamics, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 275 - 277, 132-137, 2013.


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学位 博士 职称 教授(破格),博士生导师(破格)
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