









通讯地址:四川省成都市一环路南一段24号 雷火竞技给排水教研室



工学博士,副教授,博士生导师,第十三届四川省学术带头人后备人选。主要从事给排水科学与工程的教学与科研工作,目前主要研究领域为高级氧化技术、多功能催化材料、水中新兴污染物去除技术等相关方向,累计发表文章近百篇,申请专利十余项。担任Water Research、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal等十多个权威杂志审稿人。


1、2016.9—至今 雷火竞技官方网站给排水科学与工程专业,副教授;

2、2010.7—2016.9 雷火竞技官方网站给排水科学与工程专业,讲师;

3、2007.3—2010.6 毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,获工学博士学位;

4、2004.9—2006.7 毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,获工学硕士学位;

5、2000.9—2004.7 毕业于重庆大学,获理学学士学位。











1. Hao Xu, Qian Ye,Jing Zhang, Qiansong Li, Meijing Wang, Peng Zhou, Guanyu Zhou, Qingguo Wang, Oxygen functionalized g-C3N4strengthen Fe(III)/H2O2system by accelerating Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycles under natural solar light: A mutual-promoting configuration. Science of the Total Environment, 2021. 778: p. 146280.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

2. Qiansong Li, Hao Xu, Guanyu Zhou, Feng Cheng, Meijing Wang,Jing Zhang,Yunqi Wang, Xue Huang, Qingguo Wang, Sulfite activation by Fe-doped g-C3N4for metronidazole degradation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021. 272: p. 118928.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

3. Guanyu Zhou, Qingguo Wang,Jing Zhang, Qiansong Li, Yunqi Wang, Meijing Wang, Xue Huang, Distribution and characteristics of microplastics in urban waters of seven cities in the Tuojiang River basin, China. Environmental Research, 2020. 189: p. 109893.(中科院大类二区,TOP期刊)

4. Haodi Zhao, Tong Nie, Huaxin Zhao, Yuhang Liu,Jing Zhang,Qian Ye, Hao Xu, Shihu Shu, Enhancement of Fe-C micro-electrolysis in water by magnetic field: Mechanism, influential factors and application effectiveness. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021. 410: p. 124643.(中科院大类分区一区,TOP期刊)

5. Qian Ye, Hao Xu, Qinggguo Wang, Xiaowei Huo, Yunqi Wang, Xue Huang, Guanyu Zhou, Jinfeng Lu,Jing Zhang,New insights into the mechanisms of tartaric acid enhancing homogeneous and heterogeneous copper-catalyzed Fenton-like systems. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021. 407: p. 124351.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

6. Huaxin Zhao, HaodiZhao, XueHuang, ShiqiZhu, YuhangLiu, QianYe, HaoXu, YunqiWang, JinfengLu,Jing Zhang,Enhancing Fe-C micro-electrolysis by coupling MF with electrolyte solution: Mechanism and application. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021. 257: p. 117887.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

7. Guanyu Zhou, QingguoWang, Jia Li Qiansong Li, Hao Xu, Qian Ye, YunqiWang, Shihu Shu,Jing Zhang, Removal of polystyrene and polyethylene microplastics using PAC and FeCl3 coagulation: Performance and mechanism. Science of The Total Environment, 2021. 752: p. 141837.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

8. Yiwen Luo, Xue Huang, Yan Li, Yuqi Fu, Ziyou Wang, Jinfeng Lu,Jing Zhang,CuNiN@C coupled with peroxymonosulfate as efficient catalytic system for the removal of norfloxacin by adsorption and catalysis. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020. 252: p. 117476.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

9. Hao Xu, Qian Ye, Qingguo Wang, Peng Zhou, Xiaowei Huo, Yunqi Wang, Xue Huang, Guanyu Zhou,Jing Zhang, Enhancement of organic contaminants degradation at low dosages of Fe(III) and H2O2in g-C3N4promoted Fe(III)/H2O2system under visible light irradiation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020. 251: p. 117333.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

10. Yunqi Wang, Peng Zhou, Qingguo Wang, Xiaowei Huo, Xue Huang, Qian Ye, Hao Xu, Guanyu Zhou, Yuhang Liu,Jing Zhang, Fullerol mediated enhancement of chloramphenicol degradation in Fe(III)/H2O2system by accelerating Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycle via a non-photochemical pathway. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020. 402: p. 126176.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

11. Huo, Xiaowei, Peng Zhou,Jing Zhang, Yunxin Liu, Xin Cheng, Yang Liu, Wenshu Li, Yongli Zhang, N, S-Doped porous carbons for persulfate activation to remove tetracycline: Nonradical mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020. 391: p. 122055.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

12. Hui Zou,Jing Zhang,Xiancheng Ren, Fabrication of a Bi2O3Surface-Modified Polyvinylidene Fluoride Membrane via an Ultraviolet Photografting Method: Improving Hydrophilicity and Degree of Acrylic Acid Grafting. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2020. 59(14): p. 6580-6588.

13. Qian Ye, Hao XuJing Zhang,Qingguo Wang, Peng Zhou, Yunqi Wang, Xue Huang, Xiaowei Huo, Chaorong Liu, Jinfeng Lu, Enhancement of peroxymonosulfate activation for antibiotics removal by nano zero valent tungsten induced Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox cycles. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020. 382: p. 123054.(中科院大类分区一区,TOP期刊)

14. Zhou, Peng,Jing Zhang, Zhaokun Xiong, Yang Liu, Xiaowei Huo, Xin Cheng, Wenshu Li, Feng Cheng, and Yongli Zhang, C60Fullerol promoted Fe(III)/H2O2Fenton oxidation: Role of photosensitive Fe(III)-Fullerol complex. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020. 265: p. 118264.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

15. Xiangyun Fu,Jing Zhang, Haodi Zhaoa, Shijin Zhanga, Tong Niea, Yanting Zhanga, Jinfeng Lu, Enhanced peroxymonosulfate activation by coupling zeolite-supported nano-zero-valent iron with weak magnetic field. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020. 230: p. 115886.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

16. Liu, Chaorong,Jing Zhang, Qingguo Wang, Peng Zhou, and Sikui Hul, Ultrasound Accelerated Oxidation of Organic Dyes by a Micron-Sized Copper/Peroxomonosulfate System. CLEAN – Soil, Air, Water, 2020. 48(2): p. 1900455.

17. Zhou, Peng, Xiaowei Huo,Jing Zhang,Yang Liu, Feng Cheng, Xin Cheng, Yunqi Wang, Yongli Zhang, Yongli Zhanga, and Yongli Zhang, Visible light induced acceleration of Fe(III)/Fe(II) cycles for enhancing phthalate degradation in C60 fullerenol modified Fe(III)/peroxymonosulfate process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020. 387: p. 124126.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

18. XiaoWei Huo, Peng Zhou,Zhang, Jing,Chenmo Wei, Synthetic NiO catalyst‐assisted peroxymonosulfate for degradation of benzoic acid from aqueous solution. Water Environment Research, 2020. 92(9).

19. Zhou, Peng,Jing Zhang, Gucheng Zhang, Wenshu Li, Yang Liu, Xin Cheng, Xiaowei Huo, Yunxin Liu, and Yongli Zhang, Degradation of dimethyl phthalate by activating peroxymonosulfate using nanoscale zero valent tungsten: Mechanism and degradation pathway. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019. 359: p. 138-148.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)

20. Xiaowei Huo, Yongli Zhang,Jing Zhang, Selective adsorption of anionic dyes from aqueous solution by nickel (II) oxide. Aqua, 2019.

21. Wang Meijing,Zhang Jing,Zhao Haodi, Deng Wanning, Lu Jinfeng, Ye Qian, Enhancement of oxidation capacity of ZVI/Cu2+/PMS systems by weak magnetic fields. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2019. 161: p. 260-268.

22. Zhou, Peng, Li, Wenshu,Zhang, Jing, Zhang, Gucheng, Cheng, Xin, Liu, Yang, Huo, Xiaowei, and Zhang, Yongli, Removal of Rhodamine B during the corrosion of zero valent tungsten via a tungsten species-catalyzed Fenton-like system. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2019. 100: p. 202-209.

23. Zhang Xiao,Zhang Jing, Huang Xue, Wu Qingping, Yan Chunhui, Lu Jinfeng, Efficient peroxymonosulfate activation by Zn/Fe metal-organic framework-derived ZnO/Fe3O4@carbon spheres for the degradation of Acid Orange 7. Water Environment Research A Research Publication of the Water Environment Federation, 2019.

24. Hu Jiamin,Zhang Jing, Wang Qingguo, Ye Qian, Xu Hao, Zhou Guanyu, Lu Jinfeng, Efficient degradation of tetracycline by ultraviolet-based activation of peroxymonosulfate and persulfate. Water Science & Technology, 2019.

25. Huang Xue,Zhang Jing, Zhang Xiao, Wu Qingping, Yan Chunhui, Activation of Peroxymonosulfate by CuNi@C Derived from Metal-Organic Frameworks Precursor. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2018. 71(11): p. 874~881.

26. Zhao Haodi,Zhang Jing, Ye Qian, Xu Hao, Zhou Guanyu, Wang Meijing, Deng Wanning, Weak magnetic field enhances the activation of peroxymonosulfate by ZnO@Fe3O4. RSC Advances, 2018. 8(31): p. 17462-17470.

27. Zhang Gucheng;Zhang Jing; Zhang Yongli; Zhou Peng; Wei Chenmo; Li Wenshu; Liang Tao, Ozonation of dimethyl phthalate in water activated by N-methyl hydroxylamine. Journal of water supply, 2018. 67(1-2): p. 22-29.

28. Li, Wenshu ; Zhou, Peng ;Zhang, Jing; Zhang, Yongli; Zhang, Gucheng; Liu, Yang; Cheng, Xin, Generation of reactive oxygen species by promoting the Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox cycle with reducing agents in aerobic aqueous solution. Water Science & Technology, 2018.

29. Liu, ChaoRong,Jing Zhang,Qingguo Wang, Wei Zhang, Peng Zhou, Sikui Hu, and Gucheng Zhang, Enhancement of ultrasound on oxidation of AO7 by nZVC peroxomonosulfate combined system. Aqua, 2018. 67(5-6): p. jws2018015.

30. Zhou Peng;Zhang Jing; Zhang Yongli; Zhang Gucheng; Li Wenshu; Wei Chenmo; Liang Juan; Liu Ya; Shu Shihu, Degradation of 2,4-dichlorophenol by activating persulfate and peroxomonosulfate using micron or nanoscale zero-valent copper. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018. 344: p. 1209-1219.(中科院大类一区,TOP期刊)


性别 出生年月
学位 博士 职称 副教授/博导
联系电话 电子邮箱 zjing428@163.com
传真 通讯地址 四川省成都市一环路南一段24号 雷火竞技给排水教研室
邮编 610065