1. Xiaoshuang Shi*, Yanpeng Su, Jinqian Luo, Yuhao Zhang, Ruihan Hu. Preparation and performance optimization of fly ash-slag-red mud based geopolymer mortar: simplex-centroid experimental design method, Construction and Building Materials, 2024,450, 138573.
2. Xiaoshuangshi, Shaoxiong Lyu, Qingyuan Wang, Jianzhuang Xiao*, Yan Li. Experimental study on the effect of carbonate ions on ITZs of geopolymeric recycled concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 446,137919.
3. Xiaoshuang Shi*, Esala N. Arachchi, Qingyuan Wang. Preliminary study on the fatigue performance of fiber reinforced geopolymer composites, Green Buildings and Materials. 2024,1(2),1-9.
4. Yanlin Li, Xiaoshuang Shi*, Ying Feng, Yanpeng Su, Yuhao Zhang, Yunhui Pu, Qingyuan Wang. A novel multi-criteria comprehensive evaluation model of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 396,132253.
5. Xiaoshuang Shi1,2,*, Ying Feng2, Yuhao Zhang2, Yanpeng Su2. A comprehensive investigation on sulphate resistance of geopolymer recycled concrete: Macro and micro properties. Construction and Building Materials,2023,403,133052.
6. Tao Zhang, Xiaoshuang Shi*, Qingyuan Wang, Wenbin Peng. Comprehensive evaluation of the performance and benefits of SSA-GGBS geopolymer mortar. Materials, 2023,16,4137.
7. Shi, X.; Wang, X.; Wang, Q.; Zhang, T.; Yang, F.; Xu, Y.; Zhan, J. Experimental Analysis and Establishment of Strength Attenuation Model of POM Fiber Reinforced Geopolymeric Recycled Concrete under Freeze-Thaw Cycles. Materials, 2023, 16, 1699.
8. 梁永宸,石宵爽*,张聪,张滔,王晓琪. 粉煤灰地聚物混凝土性能与环境影响的综合评价[J].材料导报.2023,37(2):21060162.
9. Chenchen Luan*, Xiaoshuang Shi, Qingyuan Wang, Nodir Utashev, Rana Faisal Tufail, Ahsen Maqsoom. Carbonation performances of steel fiber reinforced geopolymer concrete. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 2022.0797.
10. Haiyue Liu, Yile Wang, Xiaoshuang Shi*, Lina Pang. How do environmental policies affect capital market reactions? Evidence from China's construction waste treatment policy. Ecological Economics, 2022(198)107461.
11. Xiaoshuang Shi*, Cong Zhang, Xiaoqi Wang, Tao Zhang, Qingyuan Wang. Response surface methodology for multi-objective optimization of fly ash-GGBS based geopolymer mortar. Construction and Building Materials, Construction and Building Materials, 2022(315)125644.
12. C. Luan, X. Shi*, K. Zhang et al., A mix design method of fly ash geopolymer concrete based on factors analysis, Construction and Building Materials, 2021(272)121612.
13. Yunhui Pu, Lang Li, Qingyuan Wang*, Xiaoshuang Shi*, Chenchen Luan, Guomin Zhang, Ling Fu, Abd El-Fatah Abomohra. Accelerated carbonation technology for enhanced treatment of recycled concrete aggregates A state-of-the-art review, Construction and Building Materials, 2021(282)122671.
14. Xiaoshuang Shi*, Cong Zhang, Yongchen Liang, Jinqian Luo, Xiaoqi Wang, Ying Feng, Yanlin Li, Qingyuan Wang, Abd Ei-Fatah Abomohra. Life cycle assessment and impact correlation analysis of fly ash geopolymer concrete, Materials,2021,14(23),7375.
15. Chenchen Luan, Qingyuan Wang, Fuhua Yang, Kuanyu Zhang, Nodir Utashev, Jinxin Dai, Xiaoshuang Shi*, Practical prediction models of tensile strength and reinforcement-concrete bond strength of low-calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete. Polymers, 2021,13(6)875.
16. 石宵爽*,张宽裕,栾晨晨,代金芯,杨富花。掺加污泥灰对普通混凝土和再生混凝土力学性能的影响,工程科学与技术,2021,53(2):1-7.
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18. Yunhui Pu, Langli, Qingyuan Wang*, Xiaoshuang Shi*, Ling Fu, Guomin Zhang, Chenchen Luan, Abd El-Fatah Abomohra. Accelerated carbonation treatment of recycled concrete aggregates using flue gas: A comparative study towards performance improvement, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2020,43,101362.
19. Zhang H, Li L, Long T, Prabir Kumar Sarker, Xiaoshaung Shi*, Gaochuang Cai and Qingyuan Wang. The Effect of Ordinary Portland Cement Substitution on the Thermal Stability of Geopolymer Concrete. Materials, 2019. 12(16): 2501.
20. Xiaoqian Cen, Qingyuan Wang*, Xiaoshuang Shi*, Yan Su, Jingsi Qiu, Optimization of concrete mixture design using adaptive surrogate model. Sustainability, 2019,11(7),1991:1-20.
21. Hongen Zhang, Xiaoshuang Shi, and Qingyuan Wang. Effect of curing condition on compressive strength of fly ash geopolymer concrete. ACI materials Journal, 2018,2(115):191-196.
22. Xiao-Shuang Shi, Qing-Yuan Wang, Xiao-Ling Zhao, Frank G. Collins. Structural behaviour of geopolymeric recycled concrete filled steel tubular columns under axial loading. Construction and Building Materials. 2015, 81:187-197.
23. X.S. Shi, F.G. Collins, X.L. Zhao and Q.Y. Wang. Mechanical properties and microstructure analysis of fly ash geopolymeric recycled concrete. Journal of Hazardous Materials.2012,237-238: 20-29.